today i would like to renew some latex environments; so i started with this code snippet:




    < \oldfoo >
    < \oldendfoo >




what happens here is very simple: i defined an environment foo that adds begin and end around a body of text; so the output is something like this:

begin body end

then i renewed this environment to add angle brackets to begin and end; now the output is something like this:

<begin> body <end>

not painful at all; but what if i would like to add another environment foo* that is the same as foo, but displays begin and end in italic?


how do i renew this environment foo* to add angle brackets?

round 1

round one, ready go; my very first thought is to very brutally copy renew code for foo and replace all foo with foo*:


    < \oldfoo* >
    < \oldendfoo* >

but i was defeated: it doesnt compile;

round 2

gladly, i found this post; i dont know if there are \makestarletter and \makestarother, but directly changing catcodes of *looks promising;

round two, ready go:


    < \oldfoo* >
    < \oldendfoo* >

guess what: it now compiles; but the output is wrong:

<begin*> body <end*>

so i was defeated again;

round 3

gladly, i found this post; it turns out that * cannot be used for the name of a control sequence; i need to use \csname...\endcsname; this isnt syntactic sugar, is it? syntactically bitter, anyway, round three, ready go:


    < \csname oldfoo*\endcsname >
    < \csname oldendfoo*\endcsname >

guess what: this time it worked! i won! happy brainf^ck!